Strategy & Assessment

Many companies work on projects which are staggered in nature. We believe strategic planning of activities and efficient use of resources can help a company satisfy its legal obligations, societal needs, philanthropic goals.

Due Diligence


Due Diligence

As an advisory and consulting firm, we provide due diligence for your projects under construction through our structured approach by analyzing project purpose, pre-analysis of environmental business case, ensuring required documentation and risk analysis. Our report gives you a thorough assessment of your project for rewarding decision making based upon upcoming trends and patterns.

Bid Consultancy


Bid Consultancy

Our bid consultancy services are comprehensively tried and tested. We work extensively with government & corporate tenders. Our expertise provides exceptionally high quality documentation to win bids. We provide professional best practices analysis of past bids, through which substantial and sustainable improvements in success rates are quickly achieved. We undertake compliance and high score reviews of client policies, procedures and working practices.

EPR / ESG Strategy


EPR / ESG Strategy

ESG establish the framework for assessing the impact of the sustainability and ethical practices of a company on its financial performance and operations. ESG Framework gains recognition due to attention of government, and a stronger public awareness on the environmental and social influence of companies.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)


Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Our assessments ensure that the environmental implications of projects are analyzed and understood prior to execution. These assessments provide project developers assurance that their projects are compliant with a variety of regulatory requirements. We offer guidance during the licensing and permitting phase of projects and ensure that the installation, operation and decommissioning of assets doesn’t have significant effects on the environment.

Our Services

We provide a perfect balance between staying competitive and being sustainable.

Waste Management Solutions

Creating safe, sustainable environments for residents and local businesses – We partner with various stake holders across the country to lead the way in environmentally responsible waste removal and disposal.

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Advisory Services

Extensive consulting and compliance services to a range of industries worldwide from corporate level to facility level. We help our clients in building strategies to achieve their SDG goals by providing zero waste and highly impactful sustainability solutions.

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