Integrated Solid Waste Management

We provide a strategic approach to the sustainable management of solid wastes covering all sources and all aspects, covering generation, segregation, transfer, sorting, treatment, recovery and disposal in an integrated manner, with an emphasis on maximizing resource use efficiency.

Collection and Transportation


Collection and Transportation

C&T is the first activity in any waste management plan. To help you out, our services range from preparation of complete development plans in providing customized solution for door to door collection from households, commercial buildings, hospitals, educational institutes, and industries. If you have an existing plan for collection and aspire for a technologically advanced and highly efficient collection, we are here to assist you in extensive operational planning.

Processing & Disposal


Processing & Disposal

Collected waste has multiple components in it which need to be segregated and properly processed according to the type of waste collected. Organic waste, recyclables, non-recyclables, metals and all of these go through a waste processing unit and processed in a different manner. Processing unit could be a composting, RDF, incineration or bio methanation units. We offer highly efficient and best in class processing and disposal techniques as a part of our integrated solid waste management service.

Composting Units


Composting Units

For a faster decay of organic waste, our composting units converts organic dump to humus in an efficient manner and reduces the waste going to landfills. This humus can then be used as a useful soil amendment to improve its fertility. We provide customised solutions for setting up a brand new compost unit or help increase the efficiency of your existing unit.

C&D Waste Processing Units


C&D Waste Processing Units

Building something new often means that the old is being dismantled, especially in the construction business. Construction and demolition (C&D) waste is an endless source of raw materials for various purposes if it is recycled and sorted efficiently. We provide optimal solutions to maximise material recovery and maximise the removal of the various contaminants that will otherwise restrict the final destination for your recycled sand and aggregate products.

Industrial Waste Management


Industrial Waste Management

With the rapid industrialisation we are doing more harm to the environment for our own little good. Hence, it’s our responsibility to manage what goes out of our industry as waste. Currently, more than 90% of companies fail to achieve their sustainability goals. We help your industry to be environment friendly and provide tailor-made Industrial waste management solutions to become a proud eco-friendly business.

Information, Education & Communication Activities


Information, Education & Communication Activities

“Vision without execution is hallucination” – Thomas Edison. We create awareness in your residential society, production factory, office and multiple other waste generation sources for much needed support in waste management execution to make your zero waste vision a success. Our training programs are specially curated to cater to different sets of audience ranging from students, executers in industries to visionary top management ranging from short classroom sessions to practical training.

Our Services

We provide a perfect balance between staying competitive and being sustainable.

Waste Management Solutions

Creating safe, sustainable environments for residents and local businesses – We partner with various stake holders across the country to lead the way in environmentally responsible waste removal and disposal.

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Advisory Services

Extensive consulting and compliance services to a range of industries worldwide from corporate level to facility level. We help our clients in building strategies to achieve their SDG goals by providing zero waste and highly impactful sustainability solutions.

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