Specialized Services

Our highly competent team of experts provide tailored and pragmatic solutions to a variety of problems. We understand the specific needs of our clients whether they are project developers, management consultants, investors, or ULBs. We have skills, knowledge and experience to adapt to the requirements and provide the best possible results.

Due Diligence & Compliances


Due Diligence & Compliances

Expertise and experience based analysis, audit and evaluation services for all topics including green investment, CSR, EPR, and regulatory compliances: Valuation, cost optimization & risk management, Credible reporting to facilitate decision-making, Analysis of industry and deal-specific risks & opportunities, Feasibility study based on trends & key industry drivers, Providing recommendations on appropriate technology, On-site assessment to report quantified risks, CSR strategy and policy based on business priorities, Devising investment strategy for maximum impact, Conduct EHS assessment for industrial transactions, Legal and technical checks to meet standard criteria.

Waste Processing Units


Waste Processing Units

Cost efficient EPC, design, assessment & improvement for all kinds of processing units like Biomethanation, compost & RDF based units, sanitary landfills, & MRF. Services for plants under commissioning: Engineering & Design services, Feedstock analysis & characterization, Cost and time frame optimization, Strategic procurement planning, Facilitating access to global vendors, Project management consulting. Value engineering for existing units: Revamping existing facilities to increase efficiency, Improving operations & maintenance of the plant, Automation & digitization of plant components.

Our Services

We provide a perfect balance between staying competitive and being sustainable.

Waste Management Solutions

Creating safe, sustainable environments for residents and local businesses – We partner with various stake holders across the country to lead the way in environmentally responsible waste removal and disposal.

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Advisory Services

Extensive consulting and compliance services to a range of industries worldwide from corporate level to facility level. We help our clients in building strategies to achieve their SDG goals by providing zero waste and highly impactful sustainability solutions.

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