Our Team

CEO’s Message

Nakul Sardana

Seasoned expert with 12+ years of experience in Sustainability, Waste Management, Advisory (Policies & Strategy) and Due Diligence.

We, at Azyro, measure our performance not by excellence of methods but by the level of environmental impact and the value we create for our clients. We realize that sustainability and organized waste management are becoming the way of doing business. It impacts everyone on the planet.

Aiming to be a global competitor in the Waste Management sector, we are aggressively driving our organic growth above the markets and across the geographies, while striving to being number one in every project we choose to participate in.

I strongly believe that good management of our people, our resources, our communities and our environment makes a good business sense.


Azyro, is absolutely people – centric with its prime focus always on its human capital. We are a team of young technocrats from the leading B-schools & Engineering colleges. Our team draws on board industry experience and networks to create the most powerful outcomes for our clients. Each member of our team is a specialist in his or her field, with a desire to excel in what we do. Together, we make sure you’re investing where the best returns are, while building loyalty across every touchpoint. Together we work as a team to make Azyro, a great company with strong values.